Direct Agents Announces Wellness Reset Days
Raise your hand if you have ever had an impossible IT problem magically resolved by simply restarting your device upon tech support’s prompting. While always mildly frustrating, sometimes that’s all that it takes.
Restart, refresh, and reset.
This past summer in addition to our half-day ‘Summer Fridays’ schedule and our quarterly ‘Self-Care’ days, we’ve introduced two additional ‘Wellness Reset’ days. On these two days in mid-June and early August, we instituted a full company closure just like we would on a national holiday like Thanksgiving or Independence Day. And that’s because Direct Agents firmly believes that our mental health deserves a holiday (or two) too.
One of the best things about a holiday is that it’s a collectively observed day is that you can truly disconnect from those nagging feelings that there’s something at work that needs your attention — a feeling some of us might face while on vacation. In these past months, where our employees have shown great resilience in the face of unprecedented global stressors, making space for our collective mental health to reset is vital.
While we recognize that not all can be resolved with a holiday, policies like ‘Wellness Reset’ days give us the ability to pause and open up the dialogues we need to continue our journeys towards healthier workplaces.
– Sara Martinez-Noriega, VP of Human Resources