While the country has seen waves of state openings and closings, it’s clear that 2021 will not bring complete certainty to the business challenges that COVID-19 poses. Marketers will continue to face similar challenges this year, and it will take innovative thinking to pull ahead of the pack. In this piece we’re focusing on onsite video production, which was paused for most companies in 2020, but has the potential to be a major competitive advantage in 2021. Safe, socially distanced production requires increased planning and tightened communication. Direct Agents was able to successfully execute in-person video shoots in 2020 while adhering to CDC guidelines and safety protocols.

Prior to COVID-19, production sets involved extensive numbers of crew members to ensure a smooth process. With COVID-19 protocols in place, limiting this number is essential. On top of keeping the numbers low because of spatial limitations, many people are not comfortable with air travel. Sets that used to include upwards of 15 crew members are now limited to just a few people. 

Technology in Remote Video Production

However, fewer people does not equate to less direction and communication. Producers are able to utilize video messaging in order to direct the set and watch from afar. A strong internet connection is essential for remote direction. The production team is able to hook up camera views onto Zoom. From there, the producer and director are able to see the specific camera views and direct accordingly. While the producer and director could be in completely different states or even countries, the production is able to run smoothly with careful guidance.

Setting up a fully remote set is another option when considering safe video production. The interviewee takes on the role of the camera operator with direction provided by the production team. In order to lessen the technical filming knowledge necessary, equipment is set to auto settings before being sent to the interviewee. After hooking up the camera directly to the computer, the production team then walks through the setup of the video camera card with footage recorded directly onto the computer. In this remote production setup, interviews are filmed in a documentary-style format and the video is supplemented with additional b-roll footage. This form of remote production is not as user-friendly and requires a heavy investment of equipment. However, it is the safest option for remote production without needing to compromise on video quality. With the proper equipment and direction in place, high-quality videos can be produced with a fully remote production team. 

Cleaning Protocols and Safety Equipment

Other measures to take into consideration include cleaning protocols and safety equipment. Frequent hand washing is required and the set is disinfected in accordance with CDC guidelines. Hand sanitizer and additional face masks must be present on set, and every crew member is required to wear a face mask at all times. Additionally, every member on set must submit negative coronavirus test results 24 to 48 hours prior to the shoot. Crew members must also take their temperature prior to entering the shoot location. Finally, adequate set ventilation is essential to ensure safe air quality. 

While the Coronavirus will not disappear in the new year, companies must adapt to the changing times and learn how to safely fit video production into their 2021 strategy. Direct Agents is able to accommodate in-person video shoots without compromising video quality. With extensive safety measures and protocols in place, Direct Agents was able to conduct business as planned in 2020. The team members at Future First Studio are proud to be early adopters of remote and socially distanced video production.

For more information on remote video production, contact us at [email protected].