In a time with many unanswered questions and constantly changing data, we wanted to take a moment to discuss how COVID-19 is affecting Amazon and consumer behavior.

Join us for our webinar on April 2nd at 2 PM EST as we analyze how COVID-19 is affecting Amazon, along with updated performance and trend data from the platform. In this webinar, we will discuss the following:

  1. Amazon landscape & trends during COVID-19
  2. What advertisers should be doing during this time 
  3. How to differentiate your brand on Amazon


  • Daniel Owen, EVP, Direct Agents
  • Megan Conahan, EVP, Direct Agents
  • Jonathan Waite, VP of Search, Direct Agents
  • Ruby Bartolomei, Associate Director of Owned Media, Direct Agents

Watch our Navigating the Amazon Marketplace During COVID-19 replay below